Product Overview
The “Hyper Hammer” designed by WoodHaven’s Mike Pentecost is a 3 reed call (top Ninja Red over two proph reeds). The “Hyper Hammer” is designed with a brand new combination of cuts featuring both a “Ghost Cut” and a “Hammer Cut” which offer an incredible turkey sound.
The “Blade V” is a three reed call (black top over two reeds of natural) designed by Scott Ellis. The thickness and side stretch, coupled with the very unique V cut allows the caller to obtain a very distinct high low, two note yelp with a raspy back end.
The “Chisel Cutter”, designed by Billy Yargus, is a three reed call (top Ninja Red over two proph reeds) that features a “Cutter/Hammer Combo” style cut in opposite corners. The “Chisel Cutter” is extremely easy to blow with great versatility.